Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still alive...

Just a note to say that I'm still out there. In the last 6 weeks, I've started the application process for a doctorate in chemistry. This Saturday, I will confront the demon that's been consuming my soul since.

The Chemistry GRE.

Imagine 4 years of undergraduate study crammed into 140 multiple-choice questions. If anyone out there has taken physical chemistry, you know that p-chem was never meant to be multiple choice.

Once the test from hell is over, I will be back. Not doing a lot of cooking or good eating, since I'm still on this blasted diet. There have been some great projects, too, including a very successful stab at pho.

9 bites:

The Food Librarian said...

Really? You need to take the Chem GRE? Yuck!!! You would think an undergrad degree would suffice! ;) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is fanatstic. Don't worry about us. We'll be here when you get back!!

Engineer Baker said...

As a chemical engineer, I definitely second you on that - pchem was never meant to be multiple choice. *shudder* Good luck!

caninecologne said...

Good luck with the Chem GRE! Wish I could help you but I was lucky to pass Chem in high school with a C- (a mercy grade I'm sure, ha ha). But seriously, that's awesome that you're going for the doctorate! Congrats!

BTW, liked your posts on Jeong Won. I haven't been there yet, but I'm sure my carnivorous husband and brother would love that place. Also liked your Urban Solace post. They have great sweet potato fries.

RecipeGirl said...

Oh Lord- chemistry? Good luck :)

Bungalow Barbara said...

Best wishes to you!

I took the Physics GREs many years ago (about 25, more or less). I recall they were awful. I didn't do all that well on them (not awful, but not great) and managed to get into grad school anyway. Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Im a current Chemistry major/undergrad at UCSD so I understand what you mean about P-Chem. I have no idea how they could possibly manage to consolidate P-Chem into Multiple Choice type questions. Best of luck!

Beth said...

I'm a fellow TWD baker, and I was thinking that it would be nice if we all could chip in and get Laurie some small token/gift for all the work she does. Would you be willing to contribute? If I can get enough people, it would only be about $1 per person. No pressure :-) Let me know!

KirkK said...

Hey GF - Hope you did, and are doing well! Happy Thanksgiving!

9 bites